Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
Charles Caleb Colton
We've all heard the quote and now I know it's true because I saw a quilted table cloth by Elizabeth of Oh Fransson that I simply can not get out of my mind.
She used Heather Ross fabrics and a putty colored sashing and binding of green to create a lovely table cloth quilt that is so beautiful I am not sure I can rest easy until I have one of my own. (She made it for her sister- how loving is that?)
So I gathered up all my Heather Ross fabrics and then went on a search for more.
Her newest line for Free Spirit is Mendocino Mermaids which I have used before to line a purse.
Heather also did a line called Far and Away for Kokka which features the Princess and the pea, unicorns, frog princes waiting to be kissed, snails, flowers and it comes in several color ways.
You can read about Heather's fabric collection here at True Up and at Heather's Blog. Apparently she signed a contract with the company that bought her Munki Munki line of sleepwear, that would not allow her to design fabric for any other apparel manufacturer for the duration of her contract. This makes me sad but I also feel that when that contract is up she will put on her wings and fly with new and brilliant designs. I know I will be first in line when that day finally comes.
I have had good luck finding some of her fabrics on eBay and Etsy and just bought some more in brown and plum to help fill out my required gradation of color scheme.
Thank goodness I bought up some gnome yardage a few years ago because it's going for 40 dollars a yard now. Isn't that how you create a demand for something? Put a little bit out there and then make it hard to find and people go into a tizzy trying to get some!
I love her designs so much and wish she would do some prints for framing and dishes- can you imagine having your cake and eating it too, from a plate designed by Heather Ross?
I could.
A nice gnome plate would be wonderful on my mushroom house gnome village table runner.
<smiling ear to ear at the thought>
I have her book, Weekend Sewing, but haven't made anything from it yet, although I will someday, as it does have some delightful projects.
Someday I will learn how to manage on less sleep and I will get all these things made- teehee, one can only hope.
So, I will keep you posted on my Heather Ross Coin quilt quest and as the hunt for fabric continues, I would appreciate any tips or sightings you may have as to where to find her fabrics. I need some yellow, purple, green...oh, I need them all!
A Rainbow of Ross!
Wishing you love, peace and the freedom to pursue fabric!
Happy 4th by the way,
calamity kim