I had a rather delightful Halloween, that included several hours spent in line at the grocery and then running around trying to cook and finish last minute details while forgetting to charge camera batteries and missing the great photo opportunity of the twin toddler bumblebee babies saying trick or tweet at our door.
We don't get enough kids here- just surly teenage boys with no costumes and huge backpacks filled with candy on bikes I might add! The terrors of the neighborhood...better give them big fistfuls of treats so that the tricks don't get played because we were stingy with the sugah.
Anywayyyy, I ended up making a chicken Alfredo and broccoli pizza for dinner and decided to make the jello brain and heart molds the next morning due to running out of time on Halloween.
It's about 8 am yesterday morning and I boil the water and stir with two packs of black cherry jello mix. Then I add cream to make it pink and give the impression of tissue. I fill both the heart and brain molds and place them on plates in the fridge. The remaining leftover cup of jello is poured in to the skeleton mold- I thought why waste it? Then I carefully set it on the top of two orange juice containers and propped it against the water jug lid. OK. Seemed steady.
You know where this is heading don't you?
You've looked at the road ahead and seen the train wreck of my day, already.
Take another sip of coffee and imagine my HORROR when 45 minutes later Fred opens the fridge to get a glass of juice and the skelly mold is upside down and the entire refrigerator is filled with pink goo. Not knowing whether to laugh or cry I am just disgusted and sad.
Why me?
Have I not learned after 46 years of this life that if the jello mold can flip over in the worst possible place- IT WILL?
Murphy's Law.
Fred says that before Time Began there were creatures called "calamities" and they have been plaguing mankind with their evil tricks and pranks for so long that their existence has been forgotten and all credit it placed upon their third cousins, twice removed: "accidents" and " fates". Not to mention all the Glory given to "Gremlins and Goblins".
Now, truly, these "calamities" can be seen if you try really hard and sit very still in the shadowy corners of your home. They dart out and spill beads and drop needles and unspool your bobbin thread into the machinery of your serger. They look for half glasses of chocolate milk to tip.
Mankind has forgotten that these creatures ever existed-and the word calamity has been used to describe dreadful events of nature- like hurricanes, earthquakes and fires.
I am going to invent a contraption in which to trap and contain these "calamities" much like the Ghostbusters had their ectoplasmic containment units- I will have "Calamity Catchers" (thanks to Amanda for that Brilliant suggestion) and be able to prove that they do exist and live among us without our knowledge.
The proof: