- "Please write again soon. Though my own life is filled with activity,
letters encourage momentary escape into others lives and I come back to
my own with greater contentment."
Forsythe Hailey, 'A Woman of Independent Means'
- *****
Turning off the air conditioning and switching it to heat; finding my robe and slippers; grabbed a cup of fresh coffee and I sit down to write. It's morning. The squirrels aren't even up yet, but my husband sits at the keyboard in another room and plays beautiful music while I think of what to write. Elton John songs, lovely melodies cause me to pause in the midst of a sentence and think about sitting on rooftops, kicking off moss.
Now, before I can even write a word, it's David Bowie, Life on Mars, the notes reminding me of verses, music is poetry to the ears. Sometimes it feels as though all the rough edges get smoothed out as he plays; my cellular structure moves back to serenity and homeostasis prevails. I close my eyes and forget what I wanted to say; only relaxing into the sound of the keys being struck with confidence and agility. Audible proof of my husband's talent soothes my soul. I wish he would never stop playing and that I could sit forever his audience, captivated by the sound, just in the next room.
He pauses and I imagine him sipping his coffee and suddenly the next stanza comes forth and I begin to write.
At long last, I wanted to share another apron with you. Well, actually two aprons. The first is titled Tea with Jane Austen and it is in the new and current issue of Apronology, available at your local book store right now.
This is the cover. It is a once a year publication and copies of the premiere issue are still available at the Somerset Studios website.
This apron was inspired after watching Becoming Jane (thank you Junie Moon for that DVD) and a trip to the fabric store. I don't know about you, but certain fabrics speak to me, telling me what they want to transform into. The complete instructions to create your own version are included in my 3 page spread. Congratulations to editor Beth Livesay and staff for producing another wonderful issue! The photography is always so gorgeous. These magazines are like books!
You could wear this apron as a dress with leggings or jeans or maybe a skirt with lace at the edge. The gathered top is flattering and comfortable and as I showed the magazine off at knit & bitch last night I was happy to hear that someone had bought this issue because of my apron- not knowing I had made it, but because they loved that apron! That is very satisfying and makes me feel quite content. The excitement of being published and having people love what you make is a wonderful validation of your talent. I spend most of my time thinking up ideas and then worrying about how to pull it off- make it work, as Tim Gunn would say. To have my inner critic silenced and subdued enables me to work in peace.
On Friday, after coming home from working hard at the Sewing Expo in Tampa, I found an advance copy of Belle Armoire in my mailbox.
This is the cover for the Mar/Apr issue that has another of my aprons in the Salon section. I had sent it in to be considered for the Alice in Wonderland tribute coming up in the Somerset Studio Mag but it didn't make the cut. Thankfully, the editor of Belle Armoire liked the apron well enough to include it in this publication.
I was thrilled to find my "Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast" Apron next to such lovely creations. I patchworked some quilt fabrics and added inkjet images printed on organza of Alice, the Mad Hatter and Rabbit and embroidered all around like a crazy quilt.
Fabrics with tea cups, flamingos and cat faces tell the familiar story we have come to love. The center pocket is from Through the Looking Glass and has Alice holding a cake for the unicorn and lion; the organza is soft and ethereal with hints of flowers showing through the backing fabric it looks dreamy and magical. I hope I receive this back in time to wear it to the theater when Alice in Wonderland (by Tim Burton) comes out. This is an Indygo Junction pattern just in case you would like to make one for yourself.
The music is silent.
He has gone off to work and I shared my news. Another day ahead.
I have flowers to make and things to get done. I hope you will take time to go to the bookstore and find a copy of Apronology or Belle Armoire and if you do, be sure to tell the stranger next to you- hey- I know the woman who made this apron- her name is Calamity Kim!