Do you dream about art?
Do you find a pencil or your favorite pen and start doodling or drawing on every scrap of paper or margin in magazines when you are talking on the phone?
Do you wake up and write down your dreams or after lying sleepless, get up to sketch the ideas swimming in your mind?
Do you communicate through your collage? Work out emotions with scissors and paint? Do you own at least one moleskin? Or are you addicted to them and have a shelf full bearing your journaled experiences and adventures?
Well, if you said yes to any of those questions, I have a challenge for you. As I was reading the current issue of Fiberarts Magazine I came across a call for participants for a Sketchbook Project that sounded interesting. The Art House Co Op has an incredible website (view here) and they are hosting a very cool opportunity to be one of the founding contributors to the Sketchbook Library. (read all about it here) For $25 you may choose the cover color and theme of your sketchbook and have until Oct 31, 2010 to sign up to receive your 5.5 x 8.5" moleskin book and have until January 11, 2011 to mail your book to them to be installed in the Sketchbook Library after it has toured at select galleries in LA, Brooklyn, Chicago, Atlanta and St Louis. Each sketchbook will be bar-coded and cataloged, allowing visitors to choose what they want to look at via theme, medium, geographic location, name of the artist, etc. Interested? Click on the links above to go find out more and make sure you check out the Art House Flickr Group.
I love books and think that this is a wonderful opportunity to put your stuff out there for other people to admire and appreciate. I have a full plate right now but just as soon as I get a little more time I am adding this to my list of things to do this year and will keep you posted. I started a journal with my friend Sara and we mail it back and forth and she does a little something and when I get it, then I do a little something and it has been going back and forth through the mail for at least a year. I wait until the mood strikes or inspiration hits and grab it and start doodling. I am working on the book cover right now- well, it's sitting on the cutting table in the sewing room. I just need to make the time.
If only I had a way to actually have more time without losing sleep or taking away from anything else...anyway...
happy creating,
xo, calamity kim