I recently found a potter over at Flickr that makes the most magical things from clay that I have ever seen. If I could make pottery I would try to make things the way she does. It's almost as if she looked in my heart and saw what I desired most and then created it from clay, fired and glazed it!
The Fantastic Mr Fox with a home for a handle is on the look out for chicken tenders and pies left cooling on window sills, unattended.
Her name is Julie Whitmore and I wish we were neighbors! I can see myself coming over to her house to have a cup of tea and chatting about aprons and flowers and me admiring her work and trying to talk her into making a gnome cup or maybe a gnome with a Chinese lantern like this rabbit out for an evening stroll.
I love the way the clay is still very raw- not overworked and smooth. I like the imperfections and earthiness. Julie's figures come to life as she paints their features and some of the Farm Girls seem about to speak or smile as I longingly stare at their faces, waiting for them to show that they are real and alive.
Flowers grow off handles and when she makes beads and birds I want to laugh out loud with delight!
Barn owls are some of my favorites and their heart shaped faces are so sweet- especially when rendered in clay.
They remind me of Beatrix Potter and Tasha Tudor illustrations, except in 3 dimensions. I can't wait to see what she adds to her Etsy shop and I actually have her on my toolbar bookmarked to see when she adds something new. I usually get there too late to actually buy anything but I have hope that someday I will be in time to find a perfect little something waiting for me.
Something sweet and whimsical and happy.
Something about tea parties and fresh, clean laundry on the line; drying in the warm sunshine that brings back memories of my childhood.
That's me, by the sea with my favorite hand painted parasol. No, not really, but it is in my imagination. Taking a stroll by the sea with a fish for a handle and nibbling scones from the nest plate while rabbits look on as they smell buttercups. That's where my mind will be today as I go about the house getting the bed made and folding laundry, I will be daydreaming of Julie's pottery and wishing I had a cupboard full of it!
That's part of the joy of the internet- to be able to find artists all around the world who create things that are beautiful and enhance the lives of others with their work. Having tea or putting jam on toast isn't just the mundane task or dull routine when the tea is sipped from a mug like this:
or a jam pot like that:
So, bookmark Julie's Blog and make her Etsy shop a Favorite and keep an eye out on her Flickr but be warned- she will steal your heart and you won't get it back anytime soon!
All photos are by Julie Whitmore and used with her kind permission.
Thanks Julie for a virtual day at the farm. I feel refreshed and able to go do some work now.
calamity kim