1. | Usually, contents. a. | something that is contained: the contents of a box. | b. | the subjects or topics covered in a book or document. | c. | the chapters or other formal divisions of a book or document: a table of contents. | |
2. | something that is to be expressed through some medium, as speech, writing, or any of various arts: a poetic form adequate to a poetic content. |
| significance or profundity; meaning: a clever play that lacks content.
–adjective 1. | satisfied with what one is or has; not wanting more or anything else. | 2. | British. agreeing; assenting. | –verb (used with object) 4. | to make content: These things content me. | –noun
| the state or feeling of being contented;
When I think of adding content I am amazed that we so often have words with dual meaning. Why couldn't we think of a different word for that feeling of contentment-
You know the one you get when you are wrapped up in a cozy quilt or newly finished shawl? Or when you finally see someone you have missed so much and you look in their eyes and see that they are OK.
That is content.
Apply the same word to a book or Blog and its all about what is there for me to read/learn/know/enjoy?
As I add new content to the Yarn Blog I started I can learn from past mistakes and get it set up right from the beginning. Like using images for links on the sidebar. You do know that everything on the sidebar is a link (at least on my Blogs it is) and that by clicking on it you can travel to that site and then use your back button to return here.
When I first started Blogging I just used the names and no images because it was difficult to find blogs that had linkable images. Now most Blogs provide them and I am soon going to have a few buttons so that if you want something to link with you can use them.
At least I will if I can stop spinning long enough, or stop sewing and sit still and work on my computer. What has happened to me? I am so BUSY!!! There are deadlines for magazine entries, Art Shows coming up and of course LIFE.
I have a life.
I am happy to say.
It's only taken me 8 years since moving back from NC to finally have friends and activities and stuff to keep me busy. I think the spinning thing has really pushed me into overdrive and I am treadling as fast as I can!
I need to take some pictures but I just don't know what to show you- my neglected laundry that needs folding? Maybe you'd like to see my half finished projects or the dishes in the sink.
Yesterday the dye I ordered from Dharma Trading Co arrived and I will be dying some wool roving, silk, chiffon fabric and silk ribbon tomorrow.
The long weekend will be a wonderful time to get some things wrapped up and I will try to get pictures. Some things are for publication and I just can't share them, and that is so difficult- you know I want you to share in the fun!
For now, just know that something crafty is afoot and I'll be back soon with some new content.
Have a happy Thursday and may you find contentment in something today.
Here's something fun for you to check out.
Or maybe you might like this crafty chick's blog...
Love and Joy!,
calamity kim