The air smells wonderful.
I love the way they look like small stars, dazzling white and fresh.
In the shade of the jasmine filled trellis a gnome appears on his
morning walkabout.
Looking up he sees a coat that must surely be for an elf
Too large for a gnome, too small for a spryte!
Oh, no!
Elves are tricky and mischievous like pixies!
He'd better be on his way, before one of those devils turns up and tries to steal his basket full of berries.
Gnomes freeze and become very still when humans are about, so let's just go back in the house and get a cup of tea and leave this fellow to his business.
Of course, there's no tea party like my Nana's tea party...
happy Friday!
happy May Day!
shall we dance about the may pole?
get the ribbons, y'all!
hi ho!
calamity kim