OK, OK, the decorating has been going on for a long time.
I might dig my own decorations out one more year.
I do love Halloween.
Does this mean I have to dust?
At least the spiderwebs will fit right in!
What's your favorite ghost story? My sister tells one about the time she got spooked by a real vampire.
The first time I saw The ring my skin crawled and my eyes watered when the girl climbed out from the tv! eek!
Can we make a tent from some of the sheets in the hall closet and get our flashlights and tell a few ghost stories?
oh, yeah, we have to wait for it to get dark again! dang! Have a Spooky Tuesday! It must be Fall because the wool is coming out from hiding again! bahhhhh raammmmm ewe! xxxooo, calamity kim
I might dig my own decorations out one more year.
I do love Halloween.
Does this mean I have to dust?
At least the spiderwebs will fit right in!
What's your favorite ghost story? My sister tells one about the time she got spooked by a real vampire.
The first time I saw The ring my skin crawled and my eyes watered when the girl climbed out from the tv! eek!
Can we make a tent from some of the sheets in the hall closet and get our flashlights and tell a few ghost stories?
oh, yeah, we have to wait for it to get dark again! dang! Have a Spooky Tuesday! It must be Fall because the wool is coming out from hiding again! bahhhhh raammmmm ewe! xxxooo, calamity kim