I made a few changes around here- what do you think?
Does it look Fresh? Clean?
New and shiny?
I get tired of the same old thing and need to rearrange the space every now and then.
That's why I change my banner all the time. If I am sick of it then you must be too!
* I began this Blog because I wanted a place to write about my creations and sometimes it has all the depth of a fluffernutter sandwich.
At Calamity Kim you are more likely to find a dozen different craft/sewing projects going on than a conversation about politics or sports or the latest in nail polish colors.
It's not that I don't like to discuss issues like using animals for testing cosmetics ( do they put the lip-gloss on the chimpanzee's lips or do they make them eat it? Do they paint the tiny little mice toenails and see how long it takes to wear off or chip?)
I imagine that there are many Blogs out there devoted to these and other more serious topics.
Calamity Kim is the cupcake at the end of your busy day- week?
It is supposed to be a fun and whimsical place to find a project or see something visually stimulating enough to encourage you to go make your own mess!
Why Calamity?
Because I spill, burn, tear, mangle, wear out, break, and sometimes completely loose materials and tools in the process of creating something new.
I am like a train wreck in my full speed ahead, enthusiastic rush to use the ideas burning bright in my mind before they die out and disappear in a fleeting wisp of menopausal smoke.
What I lack in grammar and punctuation skills can be made up for with a certain clear minded way to make something.
If you have a problem making something you can ask me.
I will always try to answer with my years of craft and sewing experience.
I used to be a manager at a Michael's Art & Craft Store.
I made free form sculptural basketry for many years and did Art Shows. I was a founding member of a basket weaving guild.
I have read many hundreds of craft, sewing and art books.
(I am not saying I know everything but I do know a lot and the rest I will encourage you to learn by experimenting yourself! Don't be afraid to try something new! Break outta those "always" modes.)
I Blog because I want to share that with someone- anyone- maybe you.
I have come to terms with the time it takes to post and take the pictures and feel satisfied and proud of my humble little Blog. It is worth it to me.
I would hand you a sweet smelling flower and a cup of tea if I could each time you visit and sit with me while I pull out this or that and blab about what I'm making now!
I get crazy with it.
The tables, chairs and sofas are covered with projects and I love them all, even though I may forget something until it's unburied from under a pile of fabric or yarn.
I see it and give it a pat and say: Oh, yes! There you are!
I remember you!
I am going to work on you soon, honey, I promise!
And so it goes.
As each project is getting finished and mailed I feel better.
I stand straighter.
My load not so heavy.
My eyes sparkle with delight as I plan the few remaining months ahead and next year.
Yes, next year.
I am planning because normally I don't plan and this will be my third year Blogging and I want to continue to offer exciting and fresh ideas that will make you want to come back and visit, bookmark me or heaven forbid- add me to your sidebar and come play everyday!
I tend to be shy and somewhat sarcastic with low self esteem which probably alienates a few of you who think I whine or feel sorry for myself (even if that's not my intention) because we all see things through the lenses of our own glasses- imagine each of the experiences of our lives creating the filter that new experiences are poured through.
My interpretation is always going to be different than yours- but all are equal in value here at Calamity Kim.
I would love for you to come have a craft party with me- we could cut and stitch and eat fabulous fancy foods and play. Suspend your real world troubles and pull up a rocker on my big wooden porch and relax.
Allow yourself to dream.
* What would you like to make?
* If you could learn any new skill what would it be?
I want to learn to spin and knit and will do that this next coming year.
I want to learn how to focus better so I am going to make an apron, a handbag and a pincushion every week next year.
Each week I will not make anything else until I have completed each of those 3 things and shared it here.
If I am doing well I will make a doll quilt and maybe even a doll.
I want to sell patterns in my Etsy shop too.
I am going to make a resolution to be more disciplined in my creating.
Less scattered.
I would love to eventually broaden my horizons enough to teach at local quilt shops and guilds and then move around the country.
That's a dream, really.
It will only become a reality if I work hard and put it out there.
I just want you to know that I appreciate all of you who do add me to your sidebar and link back here if you share something I've done.
I am blessed by all the friends I've made because of Blogging.
I dig this whole Blog thing and am really happy to have been able to learn enough to do what I do.
I remember when I first started I didn't know how to link or put stuff on the sidebar- it was tough to learn but I am glad I didn't give up.
I like it here and hope you do to.
I only have a few pictures- a new ragdoll witch that I started a few weeks ago and set aside...she's been whispering to me..give me legs...I need arms...how's about less of that and more of this?
What's a ghoul to do, but make some craft magic??!!!
Blood & Stitches,
Calamity Kim