What if I have fallen in love with this freedom of stitching? Thank you Jude.
What if I am smitten by letting my needle wander the cloth at will?
What if I grow as a hand stitcher and gain skills and knowledge that was before only a loosely formed estimation?
What if I take a cue from another contemporary embroiderer and cut holes and make random shaped eyelets ?
What if I continue to think fresh and add raw edge fabrics in my folded down/raw edge seam and it sticks out like lettuce on a sammy to cover the rough border of one side?
What if I put something shiny like silver lame behind those holes?
What if I trapunto the bird and draw flowers with my thread?
What if everything old becomes new through color and composition?
What if I add some more web to represent the time this takes?
What if the story continues to grow in my head that this noble woman, perhaps a Princess sits day after day in her garden, stitching a quilt that will be for her wedding bed, if her kind and handsome Prince returns from slaying the horrible Trolls that have threatened the countryside with their evil selfishness and murderous intent?
What if she embroiders the garden on her cloth, with bird and branch and leaf and bud all blossoming with lovely hue?
What if I stop worrying about getting finished and allow myself to enjoy the feel of the cloth in my hands and the smell of the needle as it glides through leaving behind traces of nickle and I stitch in peaceful and loving thoughts for the time when Jude will open the box that contains this and she holds it in her hands and adds her own spirit to it?
What if the story continues and grows with the retelling and someone else is smitten with stitches anxious to be born on other bits of cloth?
What if?