This is by Sara Lechner.
I was sipping some Earl Grey and reviving a bit after sewing all day and I cruised by Flickr for a moment.
I feel so blessed to be able to share and view other artists work- it's like going to an Art Museum but without having to go anywhere!
This is so dreamy and hauntingly ethereal.
I need to get back to it...sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't and the joy for me is always when it sings and it feels right.
If I hit a snag- like I just did I have to stop and regroup.
Look for a different fabric, search the's here somewhere!
The perfect accent or color or print to express what I'm trying to say.
It's just an apron.
No, it's art.
It has to say something besides go do the dishes.
It has to say: Go to the Gallery and shine!
Thank you Sara.
Thank you Flickr.
Thank you Sir Earl of Grey.
All better now