If I could just have your attention for one moment.
Stop scrolling down, looking for more pictures.
Come back up here and help me.
I need some help with a very important matter.
There is a very wonderful Blogger named Natalie who writes this Blog called Chicken Blog and today was her 1,000th post.
Now, she writes vivid, engaging, lovely posts and shares gorgeous pictures of her family and their adventures.
I love to read her Blog.
I know if you go there and read it YOU will LOVE it TOO!
She has never had more than 14 comments- and I don't ask that much, from you guys.
But, I am asking you now, to do me a big favor and help Natalie celebrate her 1,00th post.
Tell her hi.
Tell her how proud you are of her.
(I hope I am still blogging in 5 years- I can't even finish the Alphabet meme....what am I on D?) It will only take a moment of your time.
It's your Christmas present to me- ok? Cause I want her to know that her Blog shines.
Just one small kindness is all it takes.
happy happy happy
take some and pass it along.
Here is the link or enter this in a search: http://www.chickenblog.com/
Thank you.
Go - NOW!!!!
I went to visit her Blog this morning and she has 22 comments!! Yee Haw!!!! Is it possible she could get 100? Call your neighbors! Tell yer friends!!!!
It isn't hard! Even you LURKERS can do it!!! If I get any where from 300 to 700 visits per day, how come only 5 people say hello? What's up with that?
My theory is that the more you comment the easier it becomes to comment. You lose the fear and find the fun.
Blogs are all about connecting.
Picture a game of Chinese Checkers.
The old fashioned tin kind are my favorites.
There is a line that goes to each dip in the board where a marble rests.
That's the way I imagine Blogs connecting.
I just discovered Deryn Mentock's Blog and posted about her 12 Days of Christmas Art being unwrapped and displayed on her Something Sublime Blog
In turn she blogs about me blogging about her and then other bloggers come and visit and share and say hello.
That is fun.
That makes the circle grow.
Planting a seed of kindness.
I can Imagine the Blogging community linked together to share an idea or a goal- like love your neighbor or just one single word like Peace.
Pick a word and pass it on.
Happy Holidays.