I had to go to the grocery store day before yesterday and thought I might get another rack of ribs for the Mr.
He loves them so.
I am still sticking to salad, but I do try to make him happy.
I do, really.
Even if the laundry is piled high and the house a fright- I still feed him ! (You should have seen his face when I gave him tuna fish with salad last night- pure joy!)
Anyway, there I was, strolling along, looking for a Bar-B-Que sauce and suddenly I see him.
Our eyes met.
Golden Brown to Golden Brown.
I raise an eyebrow as I consider this man.
Cowboy hat, plaid shirt, blue jeans.
He is the strong, silent type.
A hot flash creeps up the back of my neck and starts to spread.
Droplets of sweat form a puddle at the base of my spine.
My cheeks flush.
Why am I suddenly nervous?
Looking left to right, I reach out to take him in my hand.
Feeling the coolness of his skin- I know He is the One!
Poor Fred- what about him? Didn't I promise him my heart forever?
But this guy- he is Hot! He is Spicy! He does it in the Kitchen!
Mr Stubbs is his name.
Ladies & Gentlemen- He is A Cook! It says so right there!
I clutch him tightly for a moment as I take a deep breath and let him join the other men in my basket.
Paul Newman.
Wolfgang Puck.
Jimmy Dean.
and now, Mr Stubbs.
Yum! I can't wait to get you home and light some candles!