So last night I made the Chicken Enchiladas, which were fantastic! Not our usual diet-light foods. It was delicious! Fred made the comment that it was excellent and I suggested that the next time I get in "trouble" he remember how good the Enchiladas were. "Sort of like a get out of jail free card? he said." Yes, that's it- a "Get Out Of Calamity Free Card."
I imagine that my namesake Calamity Jane must have really been an un-wanted sight!
ca·lam·i·ty (kə-lăm'ĭ-tē)
n., pl. -ties.
1. An event that brings terrible loss, lasting distress, or severe affliction; a disaster: A hurricane would be a calamity for this low-lying coastal region.
2. Dire distress resulting from loss or tragedy.
[Middle English calamite, from Old French, from Latin calamitās.]
It's like my other favorite word:
ca·tas·tro·phe (k-tstr-f)
1. A great, often sudden calamity.
2. A complete failure; a fiasco: The food was cold, the guests quarreled the whole dinner was a catastrophe.
3. The concluding action of a drama, especially a classical tragedy, following the climax and containing a resolution of the plot.
4. A sudden violent change in the earth's surface; a cataclysm.
[Greek katastroph, an overturning, ruin, conclusion, from katastrephein, to ruin, undo : kata-, cata- + strephein, to turn; see streb(h)- in Indo-European roots.]
I can make a mess of things in a heartbeat! I forget. I spill. I break!! I am a mess at the best of times! I laugh about it, but sometimes I wonder if I broke a mirror or saw one too many black cats?
I went to the store yesterday and in spite of the list that was left laying on the desk, I forgot q-tips!
There were some in the shed where I left a large handful that I had taken to clean Sadie's ears after her bath.
I laugh, but the Mister is not amused! When I was single there was no one to criticize or tally my misadventures.
Now there is a witness! Sometimes in his work he needs to test out surveillance equipment and he sets up hidden cameras.
I laugh as I see myself dropping, spilling, wiping, mopping my way around the casa.
Yesterday I was setting my tables back up in the sewing room and I reattached the multi-plug thing to the table leg with the Velcro tabs and as I was leaning down to pick up the storage boxes filled with buttons and crap-ola I kept feeling something warm- like a warmth in the air. It was then that I noticed the iron had a red light on.
Well, of course, it was plugged in to the plug island thing. Geez! Yes, Calamity waiting to strike!!!!!
How many times in my childhood did I hear the phrase- She's gonna burn down the house one day!
So I am going to print up a bunch of Get Out Of Calamity Free Cards and keep them in my purse until I need to whip one out and use it!
Too bad I didn't think of that when I was 3!
Would have saved me from all that time with Dad's Army Belt.
It would have only worked once with him though.
Anyway, I have lots to Make & Do today! I am getting started on Halloween Doll Quilts and finishing a few more things. I hope you all are on your toes today, watching out for me and my Sister Catastrophe.
Jane was rather pretty in her younger days, wasn't she?
Before the Wild Bills and Booze.