I have been nominated several times for the Nice Matters Award.
Thank you!
This latest one was from Amy and the others were seen in emails in my recent fog that is known as the Drugged on OTC Medication Weekend ( Dayquil/Nyquil Hallucinatory visions, possibly). (stay tuned for video on you tube, it's hysterical)
How nice am I?
I try.
Sometimes I fail miserably.
Sometimes I am a disappointment and an utter K- TASTROPHE.
I guess all that matters is that you try.
If you fail you can always apologize.
oh, the calamity!
Sincerely apologize, from the bottom of your heart.
I have had some issues with family members ( haven't we all?) and I waste time by not communicating with them.
We were all raised in different households, and didn't even meet each other until we were older.
I was 17 when I met my birth Mother and my half sister and brother.
My older sister I hadn't lived with since I was 5.
It's difficult to try to get to know each other anew.
We give it a try every few (or ten) years and sometimes it lasts, sometimes we stop trying. We can all be nice when we want to be.
I have had strangers be nicer to me than friends or family.
It's usually right when I need it the most.
So, if this award is for all those little things that add up to big things, then by all means, take one and pass it around.
I have had so many Blog people be nice to me that I couldn't possibly list them all and I don't know the rules on this one.
I didn't know that the Rockin Blogger was a real award :)
I am simple like that.
Yes, laugh.
It's OK.
There are so many things in Blogland to post about.
I have been seeing the Alphabet Posts- sounds like a collision in the cereal isle, but very creative folks are showing pictures and telling tales from A-Z.
I redefine what my Blogging is almost monthly.
I sometimes think it's my private journal (that thousands of people read a week).
Then other times it's an Art Gallery for my very own creations.
Then it's a commercial for the latest Etsy Update.
Then it's a Holiday card or a howdy!
No matter what, I thank you all for reading and sharing and coming back again and again. That's Nice.
Really, really NICE