After visiting Jungle Dream Pagoda I decided to play along with her game of Search Google images for cool clothes. Imagine my surprise when I found this site! Old Lace and Linens and Bustle covers! Kind of like a backward apron with ruffles! Yes!
Are we glad that we don't have to bind, corset and then carry heavy metal bustle forms around. How did they sit? Maybe a fine Victorian or Edwardian lady stood at all times. Imagine how exhausting that had to have been.
No wonder their life expectancy wasn't long- man! Carrying all that prim and proper nonsense around in your head is one thing but wearing it all is quite another. I do adore the hand sewn linens and under garments though and love me some Bloomers! I would wear them if in a colder climate if they weren't so expensive!
So to play Lisa-Gabrielle's game you go to Google and put images in the search box. Then you put in your current fancy- she is stuck on sea foam green and I actually put in black spider web tulle gown and it lead me to this site which is full of neat vintage clothing which in turn lead me to the Old Lace and Linen shop which is actually located in Plantation, Fl!!! I might have to get in the car and go one day, after gas decreases in price. LuLu's Shop is awesome and though a bit pricey, it has wonderful Vintage clothing to drool over. I borrowed a few pictures from her site to share. The pink dress above is one and these below are also from LuLu's (The retro retreat for the fashion elite!). Dream with me, won't you?
I would love to own any of these dresses. Hell, I'd love to just see them in front of me!
Anyway, when I went back to Google after bookmarking these sites for future reference, I found this. The Spooky Boutique. Dresses that would be fabulous for a Halloween Bloglandia Ball.
And then I could wear these stockings, Or maybe these! And some funky witch shoes!!
So, that was fun, wasn't it? Have a great day....I think, I'm not sure, I'll have to confirm it, but the rumor is that Heroes comes out on DVD today!!! The NEW SEASON Debuts on Sept 24th!!! That seems like tomorrow almost! Yee haw!!!