I started this Blog in October .
I really had no idea how it worked.
I wasn't sure anyone would even find me - I had two other failed attempts that I couldn't find when I Googled them!
That's funny!
I just entered Ulla's contest on her Blog and there have been quite a lot of Blog a versary type give aways and in honor of my upcoming 6 month anniversary I too, am going to be giving away a bit of treasure!
So far I have written 321 posts.
I have had 689 comments.
10,752 page views.
734 visits in the last 7 days
and 43 since midnight.
My Blog Log reports:
Daily Totals: 67 offsite clicks | 126 page views | 70 readers
So, is this bad? Is this good? Does it matter?
I think about having 100 people in my home- daily. First of all, I am certain that 100 people couldn't fit in my house!
We never entertain. We are pretty much lone wolves, me & Freddie.
Except for family events and those are few and far between.
It is what it is.
I have the hope that someday this might change but for now I am content in my own small world...me and Sadie Mae filling the days with crafts and walks and cooking and chores.
Blogging and wandering around Flickr and Etsy and Ebay and the web is time consuming and fun!
I enjoy it very much and yesterday when Fred hooked up the stylus and pad it blew my mind to draw on the computer!
He had been holding back, he's had it forever, maybe he knew with my addictive personality I would not be coming up for air on that one for a while!
It was amusing and I will definitely be practicing and playing with it more in the future! Last night we watched a new series on Planet Earth in HD and man, it was pretty awesome!
Then it was Dresden Files with Claudia Black from Farscape fame playing a guest visit. After that we watched Battlestar Galactica and it was the season finale.
Next year in 2008 we will have a new season.
Fred almost cried, I think.
I know he is thinking Starbuck is a definite cylon and I don't know what to think except if they come to Earth, will it be in our time frame and will we battle the Cylons? Yes, we are sci fi geeks and I don't mean to bore you but we do love us some sci fi and techno babble.
So did you guys stay busy over the weekend?
Plant some flowers?
Create some crafts?
Cook? Read?
Before I show pictures of the 6th month blogaversary extravaganza prizes I would like to know what you think about my blog.
Is it good? mediocre? boring? plain bad? snooze fest?
what do you like?
what would you change?
what do you want to read about?
I would like some feedback at this 6th month juncture just to know if I am in the right place with all this.
I do enjoy the interaction with you cyber yaya's... and please feel free to be honest and help me.
I can take it!
I am asking for it.
I don't know what is the expectation that I should have, anyway, I am happy that a few of you do leave comments and I try to answer them with an email or I go visit your blogs but there are so many!!
Sometimes I can't remember who is what and where is who?
I bookmark some to come back to and if I dig ya I throw ya on my side bar asap so I don't forget...if I need inspiration I go wander...
Someone will write a book I am sure, about Blog etiquette and what the "rules" are. Maybe Amy Sedaris can do that for us?
That would be a hoot! So, I am going to go sew some and I will let you know about the blog party....