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I have been sewing up a storm lately! Yee Haw!!! It is so much fun to have the freedom and time to sit and sew and allow my dreams to become reality. I am thankful that I have that security. Fred trudges off to work each day and I am allowed to stay here at the pretend cottage and Make & Do to my hearts content. Now, there have been times in my life that I was single and worked 2 jobs and was too exhausted to even imagine making or creating and I think those times must have fueled my battery because I have some ideas, let me tell ya!!! Do I have ideas!!!
Yesterday when Fred came home he saw me in the same spot on the couch as when he left that morning and said: " whatcha got there?" and as I held up my newest and fattest bear he said: "whoa! What's that?!!" Now this is the moment that I always scan for sarcasm.....none detected I answer:" a gnome." "well, he's a bear that thinks he's a Gnome." "Really? Says Freddie. Yes says I. Isn't he silly? Well, I never know how people are going to react- they either love bears or they hate them.
When Fred and I started dating I had little bear vignettes and tea parties set up all over my apartment. Here and there were bears in chairs eating fake cake and drinking from empty tea cups. I said it's like in Hook with Robin Williams- ya have to pretend. He looked at me differently after that- the etch a sketch and magic 8 ball and kaleidescope on my coffee table were clues..I like to play. I can and I will. I will grow old but never up. I don't have to.
Now, I have the bears in the guest room and not so much around the house, in respect for Fred's maleness. I don't want him to have to be faced with little toys everywhere when he has to be serious and grown up and trudge off to work each day....but they are ready should any grandchildren come for a visit...they can be pulled from nooks and crannies at the drop of a hat and it's teddy bear picnic time! Now that I am making bears again it is different- I am not used to answering to anyone- except my inner critic.
Not that he is critical but when I suggested that the gnome bear might need some embroidery on his ears..he quickly vetoed that as uneccessary embellishment.You can never have too much if you want my opinion! So here are a few pictures and then I am off to start my day. I just saw where Miss Potter is playing at Burns Court...a movie might be the order of the day for me....then it's time for serious work on Marie...I have visions of her dress and head gear! Gonna be grand....glittery..sparkle...yoyo cupcake heaven!