This morning as my dear, sweet, patient Husband (Fred) was getting dressed and unable to find one of his 3 black County Logo shirts to wear said somewhat forlorn and pitiful: " I guess I need to order more uniforms for work, three shirts just isn't enough. Now he has 5 pairs of black pants, and I have to admit, since yesterday was one of many all-consuming Blog-O-Rama days for me, I only did one load of towels, the dishes from 2 days, and baked some mighty fine Banana Bread.
I totally lost it on the shirts. I had to laugh when he said he was a Blog Widower. The image of him in his dog haired black robe & slippers sitting in abject misery in front of the big screen playing some game (with guns, soldiers, shooting, i dunno, don't care) and eating spam from a can with his swiss army knife just cracks me up! The tumbleweeds of dog hair blowing through the house like an old spaghetti western.
This morning he handed me the " Creating Cool Websites" book by Dave Taylor and said everything you need is right in here. This was after he showed me the code for AQUA.(00FFFF) What bliss. Now that is love, when your man doesn't have a melt-down over your obsession with the Computer/Blog/Flickr/Email/YouTube thing ya got goin' and then helps you to change gray to AQUA.
Me oh my. That's some PIE.
He's like my Robin Hood.
Or maybe my Westley, for I am Princess Buttercup. (as in Princess Bride not Reese's) and I can only hope to somehow make it up to him by vacuuming the floor, washing the dog and fixing a nice dinner. ;) Oh, how the inner war rages between Feminist-independence and retro-fifties-apron -wearing-homemade everything perfection. Can I just let him go to work with a cup of coffee and a kiss on the cheek while I sit at the computer in my bathrobe and have fun, fun, fun, till Daddy takes the computer away? Absolutely!
So, peeps, what do you think about the aqua? Too bright?
I tried red instead of the pink and it started to give me a headache!
Like the gray better?
Is there anybody out there? Today I am going to try to get started on The Pincushion Challenge theme: Winter Wonderland,
finish some art dolls I started, hit the grocery store, rent videos, mail the last of the Christmas packages, pay bills, and the rest of the craptastic things I have to do until I can be here again, guilt-free wandering about in the wonderful Blogosphere.
As you wish.